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Contract awarded to the water utility in Faisalabad, Pakistan

  • 2022.2.10

Press Release
Yokohama, JAPAN, February 10, 2022

Yokohama Water Company (YWC) awarded contract for the consulting services to improve water supply management in Faisalabad, Pakistan

YWC, an engineering consulting firm, forming a joint venture together with Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd. (NSC) as the representative and Japan Techno Co., Ltd. (JAT), was awarded a contract from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo, JAPAN to provide consulting services to Water Supply and Sanitation Agency Faisalabad (WASA-F).

This project will support WASA-F to improve water supply works management by providing capacity enhancing business solutions to the water supply, efficient business management, customer relations and financial management. The contract period commences on February 10, 2022 and terminates in February 2026.

Faisalabad, with the population of 3.2 million as of 2017, is the third-most populous city in Pakistan and located in Punjab Province. WASA-F provides water supply and sewerage services there but suffers from various problems both technologically and financially. Customers have low motivation to pay for WASA F’s services because of poor service quality causing a pile of unpaid bills, which led WASA-F into a vicious cycle; WASA-F fails to collect sufficient income to cover the capital investment cost for improvement.

Under the contract, YWC will be responsible in the project for enhancing capacity of staff members as follows:
・ to establish and to implement a water supply business improvement plan
・ to implement customer relation activity to increase revenue incomes

YWC, established in 2010 by Waterworks Bureau, City of Yokohama (YWWB), provides engineering consulting services utilizing accumulated knowledge and expertise based on the long history of quality services in water supply and sewerage works of City of Yokohama.
