Capacity enhancement of organization
YWC supports water supply/sewerage utilities to enhance the capacity of organization. The goal is for utilities to formulate and implement a management plan without outside help to improve performance. YWC offers useful suggestions about vitalizing organization structures.
Tariff system and collection
Any utility needs operating funds to run a business properly. Since funds mostly come from collected tariff, tariff collection is absolutely critical as well as a tariff structure. YWC analyses the financial and management practices and provides tailored advises to each utility in terms of financial soundness.
Plan implementation
Once the plan is formulated, it should be properly implemented. YWC helps utilities to supervise the implementation of the plan by continuing PDCA cycle.
Human resource development
Skilled personnel are indispensable to successful management, such as stable and continuous operations. YWC supports human development with the abundant knowledge and expertise accumulated during the long history of business both domestically and internationally.
YWC’s training program
YWC offers various training programs; practical instruction in the field, water meter calibration, developing operation manual or standard operating procedures (SOP), trainings of trainers (ToT). YWC even helped establish a training yard for a counterpart organization.